The Hex Investment Trust™ is a 506(c) registered private trust available only to accredited investors.

CryptocurrencyAchieve Your Goals With
A New Asset Class

Hex Investment Trust™ is for Accredited Investors Only.

CryptocurrencyAchieve Your Goals With A New Asset Class

Hex Investment Trust™ is for Accredited Investors Only.

HEX Price Performance

What is the HEX Investment Trust™?
What type of assets can you transfer into the Trust?
Why is the Securities and Exchange Commission involved?
How does an investor cash out of the Trust?
What jurisdictions outside of the U.S. can invest in the Trust?
Can you rollover a 401k or IRA?
What is the HEX Investment Trust™?
What type of assets can you transfer into the Trust?
Why is the Securities and Exchange Commission involved?
How does an investor cash out of the Trust?
What jurisdictions outside of the U.S. can invest in the Trust?
Can you rollover a 401k or IRA?